Sunday, March 17, 2024

Dutch Painter Van Gogh Immersive Experience at EA, Chennai

Visited the Van Gogh Immersive experience at Express Avenue, Chennai. Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch painter popular for his colorful paintings. The immersive experience happened in a very big hall. The paintings of Van Gogh with animations were focused on all the four walls and also the floor. It was a beautiful experience. The experience was shown in a slot of 30 minutes.

They also had a café themed with Van Gogh’s paintings. The cakes, pastries, plates, and walls had Van Gogh designs on them. There was also an area selling gifts like T-shirts, flasks, diary, magnets, and other souvenirs with Van Gogh’s painting designs on them. Near the entrance there was a room with his paintings that had details of his life story.

Apart from the famous Starry Night, Van Gogh also painted a lot of self-portraits. A painting of his postman friend Joseph Roulin in his uniform also tells his life experiences. Here are videos and photos from the show. 

Here are the 5 videos taken at the immersive experience including Starry Nights.




Narmadha said...

Your blog has motivated me to visit the place !

Burningbet said...

Your post radiates brilliance! Insightful, well-articulated, and truly captivating. Thanks for sharing your valuable perspective with us.