Saturday, October 19, 2019

Diwali Dress for the Underprivileged - Please Donate

You must be very happy if you have already purchased or plan to purchase a dress for Diwali. But who will bring smiles in the faces of the underprivileged for Diwali? Team Everest NGO plans to help. Team Everest buys and distributes Diwali dresses to the underprivileged with the donation you make. Your donation may make bright the Diwali for a parent-less kid, an elderly person in an old age home, a visually challenged person, a rural kid, or a roadside person wearing torn clothes. Most of the children and their parents choose their own dress from the cloth shops. 

I know Team Everest NGO for more than 10 years and they do a good job. For Diwali 2019, I have  donated for the dresses for six kids. Can you also pitch in? 

Please click the link to donate any amount of your choice: 

Click on the link to know how Team Everest distributed Diwali dresses in 2018:

1 comment:

S. Susan Deborah said...

Empowering social causes through blogging - Excellent Anitha.